Past News
Nov. 6, 2019: Invited talk at Apple Inc.: “A Unified Framework for
Structured Graph Learning via Spectral Constraints,” Silicon Valley,
California, USA
Sep. 4, 2019: graph paper “Structured Graph Learning Via Laplacian
Spectral Constraints” accepted in NeurIPS [2-min
[arxiv] [R
Sept. 2, 2019: Tutorial “Portfolio Optimization in Financial
Markets,” European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), A Coruña,
- May 17, 2019: Talk in R/Finance 2019 on the
package riskParityPortfolio.
- May 8, 2019: R package for graph learning via spectral constraints
published in
CRAN: spectralGraphTopology (GitHub).
- Dec. 25, 2018: R package for the design of risk parity
portfolios published in
CRAN: riskParityPortfolio
(GitHub). 600
downloads in 3 days!!
- Dec. 21, 2018: Invited Talk “Imputation of Time Series with Missing
Values under Heavy-Tailed AR Model via Stochastic EM,” International
Workshop on Mathematicl Issues on Information Sciences (MIIS), The
Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China.
- Nov. 28, 2018: Invited Talk “Imputation of Time Series with Missing
Values under Heavy-Tailed AR Model via Stochastic EM,” Big Data
Challenges for Predictive Modeling of Complex Systems, Institute of
Mathematical Research, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
- Fall 2018 semester: teaching the new course MAFS6010R – Portfolio
Optimization with
as part of the MSc in Financial Mathematics
in the Math department at HKUST.
- June 14, 2018, Invited Talk “Financial Engineering Playground:
Signal Processing, Robust Estimation, Kalman, HMM, Optimization, et
Cetera,” Aalto University, Finland.
- June 11, 2018, Plenary Talk “Financial Engineering Playground:
Signal Processing, Robust Estimation, Kalman, HMM, Optimization, et
Cetera,” IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop
(SSP), Freiburg, Germany.
- 2018 Monograph on Financial Engineering:
Konstantinos Benidis, Yiyong Feng, and Daniel P.
Palomar, Optimization Methods for Financial Index Tracking: From Theory
to Practice, Foundations and Trends® in Optimization, Now Publishers,
- Dec. 20, 2017: R package for computation of sparse eigenvectors
published in
CRAN: sparseEigen (GitHub).
- Dec. 11, 2017: Plenary Talk “A Signal Processing and
Optimization Perspective on Financial Engineering,” IEEE
Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing (CAMSAP),
Curaçao, Dutch Antilles.
- Nov. 13-15, 2017: Invited Speaker at the db Global Quant Conference,
Deutsche Bank, Hong Kong.
- 2016 Monograph on Financial Engineering:
Yiyong Feng and Daniel P. Palomar, A Signal Processing Perspective
on Financial
Engineering, Foundations and
Trends® in Signal Processing, Now Publishers, vol. 9, no. 1-2, 2016.
- 2015-16 Research Excellence
Award at
- 2015 Young Author Best Paper
(co-author) by the IEEE Signal Processing Society.
- Oct. 2015: Guest Editor on the Special Issue on Financial Signal
Processing and Machine Learning for Electronic Trading in IEEE
Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing.
- Aug. 2015: Invited Talk at ICIAM 2015,
Beijing, China.
- June-July 2015: Organizing Committee for SPAWC
2015,Stockholm, Sweden.
- April 2015: Organizing Committee for ICASSP 2015, Brisbane,
- June 2014: Promoted to Full Professor.
- Jan. 2013: Became Fellow of the Institute for Advanced Study
- Nov. 2012: Elected IEEE
Fellow for
“contributions to convex optimization-based signal processing for
- July 18-24, 2012: Invited Speaker at the Workshop on Advances in
Wireless Communications (WAWC'12), Univ. of Electronic Science and
Technology of China (UESTC), Chengdu, China. (Organized by Geoffrey
Li and Shaoqian Li.)
- July 13-17, 2012: Invited Speaker at the Workshop on Advances in
Wireless Communications (WAWC'12), Southeast Univ., Nanjing, China.
(Organized by Zhi Ding and Xiaohu You.)
- July 7-13, 2012: Invited Speaker at the International Workshop on
Mathematical Issues in Information
Sciences (MIIS'12),
Xi’an, China. (Organized by Tom Luo and Hong Wei Liu.)
- Jan. 2012: The research center CTTC-HK becomes operative in Hong
- Aug-Sept. 2011: Organizing committee of EUSIPCO
Barcelona, Spain.
- March 2011: Invited Instructor at the 2011 Winter School of
Information Theory, Barcelona, Spain.
- Aug. 2010: Consultant of research center CTTC-HK in Hong Kong.
- Dec. 2010: Invited Speaker at the 2010 Workshop on Applications of
Optimization in Science and Engineering, Institute for Pure and
Applied Mathematics (IPAM), UCLA campus, LA, USA.
- Aug 2010: Presented tutorial “Convex Optimization, Game Theory, and
Variational Inequality Theory in Multiuser Communication Systems” in
EUSIPCO 2010, Aalborg, Denmark.
- July 2010: Promoted to Associate Professor.
- Jan. 2010: Chair of the IEEE Hong Kong Information Theory Society.
- May 2010: Guest editor of a special issue in the IEEE Signal
Processing Magazine on “Convex Optimization for Signal
- March 2010: Invited Speaker at the 2010 Workshop on Distributed
Decision-Making and Control, LCCC, Lunds University, Sweden.
- Dec. 2009: Publication of the edited the book “Convex Optimization
in Signal Processing and
by Cambridge University Press together with Yonina Eldar.
- Dec. 2009: General Co-Chair of the 2009 IEEE Workshop on
Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive
Processing (CAMSAP)
in Aruba.
- June 2009: Organizing Committee of SPAWC
2009, Perugia, Italy.
- Feb. 2009: Key Note Speaker at the Australian Communication Theory
Workshop (AusCTW2009), University of New South Wales, Sydney,
- Feb. 2009: Taught an intensive one-day seminar on “Convex
Optimization with Applications to Communications” at the University
of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.
- Highly cited paper (ISI Web of Knowledge) status for my 2003 IEEE
Trans. SP paper (coauthored by Lagunas and Cioffi) on majorization
theory and convex optimization applied to MIMO transceiver design.
- Dec. 2008: Taught an intensive 18-hour course on “Convex
Optimization for Wireless Communications and Signal Processing” at
the National Chiao Tung Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan. (Co-taught with Ken
- July 2008: Plenary Speaker at the 2008 IEEE Workshop on Signal Proc.
Advances in Wireless Comm. (SPAWC), Recife, Brazil.
- April 2008: Invited Speaker at the “Panel for Convex Optimization
and Applications,” ICASSP 2008, Las Vegas, USA.
- Dec. 2007: Invited Speaker at the 2007 Workshop on Optimization and
Signal Processing (WOSP), Hong Kong.